Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I am a wedding and creative branding photographer based out of Pittsburgh! Here you will find just about everything you need to know about me and my most recent work! Thanks for stopping by!

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online journal





Business, The Experience, Us In Real Life

January 9, 2013

The Experience | Our Mission Statement

We are excited to be starting a new series titled “The Experience.” There is so much that goes into the process of having us as your wedding photographers, from a client inquiring about us all the way through them receiving their final images. We wanted to share more of the details of what it is like to have us photograph your big day! Today, we are starting with our mission statement…explaining who we are and why we do what we do.

In preparation for our wedding, we wrote out a mission statement for who we want to be as a married couple, and as we’ve ventured into this business, we’ve seen so many ways that our mission statement also applies to our business and how we get to love and serve our clients!

Here is the mission statement that we wrote and Mike read on our wedding day!

“We publicly acknowledge our faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, for it is by His grace and perfect will that we have been brought together. We commit to always keep Christ as the foundation of our marriage (and business).  We promise to always encourage each other and continually grow in our relationship with God, both as individuals and as a couple.  We will not let anything come between us, and we will demonstrate our love for each other every day. We promise to honor one another’s dreams and desires (when we wrote this, we had NO idea how important this one would be). We are committed to prayer and being in God’s word daily. We will raise our children in a house that loves and serves the Lord and will demonstrate to them the importance of living a life holy and pleasing to God. We promise to love and support our extended families. We desire to build relationships and to serve within our church family. We commit to serving people both in our community and around the world. We are committed to demonstrate to a watching world that God has us on a mission to further His kingdom.”

Each wedding that we photograph, we are reliving our wedding day and the commitment we made to each other a year and a half ago! We get excited to share with our couples how much we LOVE marriage and how, although tough at times, there is nothing better on this earth! Our excitement for our new friends and their new commitment to each other is displayed in the images that we photograph! We want to capture the tears as you see each other for the first time and the little kisses you sneak to each other throughout your wedding day! There is no better joy than witnessing and photographing a couple finally becoming united together as one!

So there it is…that is why we love (so much) what we get to do!
We are two people who love life and love each other, and we are absolutely thrilled to be able to capture love in the people we photograph!

Next time, we will be talking about client meetings…why we think they are so important and why we love them!

I may or may not actually squint like this all the time when I take pictures!

Thanks to our friend and mentor, David Burke for the photos!

  1. Ruthanne Cole Baker says:

    have I told you lately that I stinkin love you guys so much? well I do ; ).

  2. Anna Spears says:

    Love!! Thanks For sharing and encouraging!!

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