Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I am a wedding and creative branding photographer based out of Pittsburgh! Here you will find just about everything you need to know about me and my most recent work! Thanks for stopping by!

welcome to MY

online journal





Business, Personal, The Experience, Us In Real Life

April 2, 2014

Full Time | 1 Year

Wow, friends! Yesterday marked 1 year since I went full time with this business! Can you believe it? I sure can’t…it honestly seems like it was just yesterday! And today, I just wanted to say “Thank you!”

Thank you to Mike for being so amazing and such an encouragement with this business. Thanks for always telling me that “it will be okay” and for encouraging me to be myself and to own that. Thanks for telling me I’m worth it! And, thank you for editing every single blog post I write (that’s right friends, he’s amazing), for driving me to every wedding, for helping me come up with funny #hashtags, for being amazing with people and starting conversations, and for loving me unconditionally through the highs and lows of life and this business!

Thanks to my mom and Mike’s mom for liking every single blog post, Facebook status, picture and more! Thanks for your love, support and encouragement and THANK YOU SO MUCH for taking turns watching Elly every weekend! And Mom, thanks for not being afraid of telling me when I’m wrong or when Mike misses a spelling error on the blog! ;)

Thank you to my clients. I wouldn’t be here without you all and your faith in us and our work from the very beginning! I can’t believe we are already in our 4th wedding season, it’s so surreal! Thank you!

To our blog readers, thank you! Thanks for being loyal and reading the blog everyday. Thank you for every single like, comment and share and for making us feel like we are actually talking to people through our blog! And lastly, thanks for spreading our name to all of your friends and family and for being not only interested, but invested in our lives and our business!

I love you ALL and wouldn’t here without each and everyone of you! Here’s to many more years of being a full-time Pittsburgh wedding photographer. It’s been a lot of work, but I wouldn’t trade this past year for anything!

Sorry if that kinda came off as an Oscar speech! **Cue exit music…

So, so lucky to have this guy!

  1. Yay!!!! What an exciting time in your life!! :) So happy that you have been able to chase this crazy dream for the past year, and I absolutely CAN NOT WAIT to see what the future holds for you!!

    Have a wonderful day!! :)

  2. Jennifer Finnell says:

    Congrats lady! It’s been so awesome to watch you and your business grow! Here’s to many more years of doing what you love for a living! :-)

  3. Maria Stockman says:

    You go girl! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing with all of us the amazing adventure that God has you on!

  4. Feuza Tomaz says:


  5. Joyce Guenther says:

    We love reading about your adventures!

  6. Leann Knotts says:

    Love that we were one of the first ;). Congratulations on all your success! You’re truly blessed when you can love what you do for a living.

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