Welcome to my little corner of the internet! I am a wedding and creative branding photographer based out of Pittsburgh! Here you will find just about everything you need to know about me and my most recent work! Thanks for stopping by!

welcome to MY

online journal





Personal, Us In Real Life

September 8, 2011

One Year Blogger…Woohoo!

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already been a year since I first posted on my blog. This year has been (by far) the most exciting and exhilarating year of my life. I have been so blessed this year…meeting new people, reading new books, learning new things, and reaching new goals (not to mention the best of all…marrying my wonderful husband)! I have made mistakes and come face to face with some of my biggest fears, but I have also reached some of my biggest dreams! It is truly amazing to look back and see how I started and to sit here today looking at how far I’ve come, excited to learn even more and grow more as a person and a photographer. Your support means so much to me and I can’t thank you enough!

Lots of senior sessions, engagement sessions, and weddings this fall to look forward to! Can’t wait to share them with you!

Happy Thursday!

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